Inertia value on X axis lx
Inertia value on Y axis ly
Note: lx or ly is used according to the position of the reinforcement in the profile and accordingly to the direction of the pressure applied by the wind onto the reinforcement profile.
Inertia value on X axis lx
Inertia value on Y axis ly
Note: lx or ly is used according to the position of the reinforcement in the profile and accordingly to the direction of the pressure applied by the wind onto the reinforcement profile.
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient
Note: Calculations are made in compliance with TS EN ISO 100077-1.
Rw (dB)
Note: The calculation method has been prepared in accordance with TS EN 14351-1 Appendix B.
Calculation of the distance the wind load is effective on the window
"In the calculation of the B value, a 45 degree line is drawn from the two corners of the long side of the vane, if the distance of the intersection point of these two lines to the starting corner of the line is bigger than half of the vane length, half of the vane length, if equal or smaller than, the distance of the intersection point is taken. The calculations are made by being based upon the longest and the weakest side. The inertia values of the other sides will be smaller. If demanded, the calculations for each point can be made individually."
Efficiency of the profile inertia
Deflection Amount Allowed
Anual Wind Velocity Distribution (m/s) - 30 m
Wind Velocity (m/s)
Wind Velocity (N/cm2)
Note: The calculation method has been prepared in accordance with TS EN 14351-1 Appendix B.
0800 219 80 20
0800 200 83 78
444 9 378/FRT
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